Thursday, October 11, 2007

I had another NST today. We left the house at 8 AM, and didn't get back home until 1130. All these appointments are wearing me out!

All was well at today's checkup. Anthony has definitely dropped down lower than he was earlier in the week. Both nurses had a hard time finding him at first. The first one doing the NST moved the belt around all over then moved it way down there. Oh my he's very low isn't he? He's dropped down since you were here Monday! The nurse who the ultrasound said the same thing. She said the cramping and discomfort will probably get worse because he is so low he's putting more pressure on everything. I'm having contractions off and on, but not close enough together to make anything happen. I have an US on Monday to see how big he is, I have a feeling he is going to be a chunk compared to his sister. But then again I think I'm 2 weeks ahead of where they say I am so if that's true, he'll be 41 weeks at the c section.
24 days and counting!!

So um, are ya'll sick of hearing about my upcoming baby yet? Cause I'm ALMOST sick of talking about it constantly. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of other stuff to talk about lately. I am now going to the hospital or to see the doctor 3x a week. That takes up a lot of time. And Amelia is fascinated with babies in all shapes and sizes. She told me this morning to get the baby out of my tummy now, it was time to wake him up. LOL I still need to get her a present for when she comes to see us at the hospital, maybe I'll get her a new baby doll since we lost her other one, and she keeps trying to steal dolls from other people's houses.

In other (still baby) news, my mom and Grandma booked their tickets to come visit when the baby is born. They're not coming for a few weeks after, but I should be recovered enough to be ready to have a decent visit by then.

I'm still wondering if I will make it to the scheduled c section date. Things seem to be happening down there. I've been awfully crampy off and on, and sometimes I swear he is trying to climb out all by himself. Well I better go get Amelia some breakfast so we can leave for today's appointments. Oh the excitement! :-)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wish me luck!

Amelia and I are off to my 36 week check up. We should get a date for the surgery today. I hope I hope I hope. Just having an end date in sight will make me feel so much better.
I've got lots of stuff going on this week. And, I'm tired.

Yesterday I had a NST. In the morning I started having vertigo really badly. Every time I'd change position I'd feel like I was spinning. So, I mentioned it at my NST and got some flack for having driven myself there that way. Don't know how else I was supposed to get there. Baby was good, although it took him a little longer to finish the test. Not because he wasn't active, but because he was all over the place, they needed him to calm down so they could get his baseline heartbeat. Uh oh, he's already like his sister won't calm down! LOL

So Jeff came and got me from my appointment since they didn't want me to drive. Then he went and picked Amelia up from Kathy's house. It was nice that he was able to take the afternoon off to make sure I was okay, but sometimes it's easier to deal with Amelia and the house on my own. She gets so excited when Daddy is around, that she gets a little wound up. LOL And I still had to make dinner. I think he was home for moral support and to make sure I wasn't going to pass out or something. :-)

Uhoh, Amelia is quiet, I'll be back to post more later.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I can't decide

what dress to get Amelia for Christmas.

Anthony will have this color outfit

with a grey vest and cordoroy pants ( look further down for that post.)

These are the two I'm looking at.

Opinions please?( And no lectures about the price of Gymbo dresses please! LOL) I have coupons!! LMAO

Monday, October 1, 2007

I should wait

to show my cute kid in her halloween costume. But things may be a little crazy at Halloween so I'm showing her off now. Isn't she the cutest "flying pumpkin" (her words not mine) that you've ever seen?


Amelia and I were going to go to the zoo today. One of Amelia's friends was going to be there too so I said if I didn't have a NST today we'd go. That was at 7AM or so. By 10 AM I had totally forgotten. Well I didn't forget about the zoo, I just had no concept of time.

I got busy cleaning, Amelia and I vacuumed the bedrooms, cleaned the mirrors in the house, and spent a half hour cleaning mascara off the bathroom mirror. (No cleaners would work on it. I was starting to get worried. Then I tried the obvious cleaner, eye makeup remover, and it worked like a charm.) I also noticed that the fronts of the drawers in our bathroom are pretty grimy looking. To the point that they really just need to be repainted. For whatever reason ( maybe because it's a master and just in the corner of our bedroom?) the sink part of our bathroom doesn't seem to be the right paint for a bathroom. It's a flat paint so get's dirty pretty easily. It's also lavendar so shows everything. I'd love to repaint in there, but I don't want to deal with doing it myself or getting it done. How lazy is that? I may just do some touchup though, repaint the fronts of the cabinets and the drawers since they are so grimy looking. I also need to do some repainting in Amelia's room. When her carpet was put in (a year ago!) they made a mess of the trim around the flooring. It's a little weird because it's just painted the same color as her room, so maybe that's why the trim hasn't held up so well? I wonder if I painted it with some paint that's made for molding if it would hold up better. There is also paint peeling in her room but I don't know how to fix that. There was a border up in there before we moved in. I am guessing that when the painters took down the border, they wall underneath wasn't prepped properly before the room was painted. So all along the walls where the border used to be, the paint is cracking and chipping. It looks awful!

Anyway, so after I finished analyzing paint, I noticed that there were bags of stuff in Amelia's closet, so I went through them, it was baby stuff and stuff from Target that needed to be put away. So I started putting that all away. Then I noticed Amelia was really quiet. I came out to the living room to find her with a box of donuts. She ate a couple bites from each donut. At least she was on the hardwood not on one of the carpets. I took a picture, of her and the mess, I'll have to post it later. So, after I got her all cleaned up, I noticed that it was 11 AM. If we were going to the zoo we were supposed to be there at 10. *sigh* I probably would have been too tired to walk around for long anyway.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

11 simple steps to giving birth in your living room...

I came across this while reading the blog of a stay at home dad. Pretty funny stuff!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

For all the moms out there...

I wonder

how big this baby is going to be. He feels like he weighs 20 lbs already. And about 3 feet long. If the ultrasounds are correct, and he is gaining weight properly he should be 6 lbs already. If don't think I can handle an 8 or 9 pound baby in there. Especially if he insists on getting longer too. LOL

If only my kid could read...

...then this would be great.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My to do list

I haven't updated my to do list in a while, I guess it's time to see where I'm at.

  1. Get carpets cleaned

  2. Get the van detailed

  3. Move Amelia's car seat to it's new spot (baby is taking her spot in the van, and I want to do it ahead of time, so she's not kicked out of her spot when we bring Anthony home. )

  4. Put Anthony's seat in the van and show Daddy how to use it. LOL

  5. Put the clean bedding and skirt on the bassinet

  6. Pack my bag,

  7. pack babies bag

  8. Pack Amelia's bag

  9. Get Amelia's halloween costume all ready

  10. Get halloween costume

  11. Get double stroller

  12. Return stuff to Target and babiesrus

  13. Check on big sister/little brother shirts I ordered They are here and so cute.

  14. Pick birth annoucements, or make one

  15. Decide on Circumcision Ask ???'s at next appointment!!

  16. Christmas shopping done, or as much as possible. List is made

  17. Finish Shower thank you cards. I just need to mail them.

  18. Get down the breast pump, wash all the new parts

  19. Get swing and bouncy seats down and wash covers

  20. Wash bottles
  21. Get make ahead dinners in the freezer


Look up there. It says I only have 39 days to go. That's a little more than a month. That's until my due date, I know I'll have him before that. I just can't believe I'm going to have a new baby in a month or less.

I'm finally feeling like I'm ready for this baby. I'm ready to have him, I'm ready to get the recovery over with, and start our life as a family of four. There are all these things I want to start doing, and I can't do them until he's here. Hurry up baby!!! I'm also ready to have my body back. I am not one of those people who is just in love with being pregnant. I'm doing much better this time than I did with the last pregnancy, but I'm still not good at being pregnant.

My poor little sickie

Well my kiddo is still sick. She is actually much better today. We went to the doctor last night and she said she thinks she just had a virus, and that was what was going on over the weekend. She thought the cough was something different, either asthma or croup. She gave us some meds to help with the coughing. She got her first dose last night, and I think she slept a little more than the night before. She's curled up on the couch sleeping now. But at least she is not coughing!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Look mommy, it's a Hopter Copter!!

My kid has some of the funniest sayings lately. They seem to fade so quickly though as they grow, so I want to remember them. Some of the most recent are

Hopter Copter (Helicopter)

Chimp (Chin)

Hey, I got an idea!

I can't like it.

No Daddy, I can't say purple. (When asked to say purple or whatever other random word someone asked her to say.)

Mommy, say red. Red. Great job Mommy. (This one cracks me up the most. She tells me great job a lot. LMAO)

There's more, I'll add them as I think of them...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time...

This is totally offensive, and full of profanity. Just warning you.

Anyone who knows what city I live in, will probably think it's even funnier. At least I sure did.

Carlos Mencia cracks me up. I keep hearing stories from people who went to see this show, I would have loved to see it live. LOL

Labor and Delivery Part I

We had our first trip to Labor and Delivery on Sunday. I hadn't felt great for a few days, and had been running a fever. I called the advice nurse, she said they don't do patients over 20 weeks pregnant, so she transferred me to L&D. When I was talking to the nurse I realized I hadn't felt the baby move much that morning, so they said to come in and they'd figure it all out.

So after 2.5 hours of monitoring, a pee test, a blood test and an ultrasound they sent me home. They decided I have an infection, so I got antibiotics, was told to drink lots and lots of water, and sent on my way. The doctor who saw me did the ultrasound, she commented that the baby is head down and very low, pressing on my bladder. Yeah thanks lady, I could have told you that based on the fact that 10 minutes after I pee, I have to go again.

After L&D I was starving so we went to eat. The kiddo promptly threw up all over the table. Nice! We got our food to go, took the kiddo home and I did my best to sit on my butt all day. The kiddo went from seeming really sick and grouchy, to just fine in about an hour. Not sure what her problem was, but she hasn't thrown up since.

I think the antibiotics have kicked in and I'm starting to feel better. I've got more energy, and don't feel the need to sleep all the time. I guess I didn't realize how krappy I felt until this morning when I started feeling better.

And of course, I now have my obligatory useless trip to L&D trip out of the way. Next time we go, hopefully we will come home with a baby! :-)

Friday, September 21, 2007

So tired....

After being up half the night with Amelia, and then not being able to sleep after she was asleep, I am so tired today. I feel like I'm walking around in a fog. Things that should be totally obvious to me, are going right over my head. I'm really hoping that Jeff gets up with Amelia one morning and lets me sleep in. It seems like it's been months since I got a whole nights sleep. I'm not counting on much sleep this weekend either though, Jeff is going to help someone move Saturday, so I'm assuming he'll want to go as soon as Amelia wakes him up. And saturday night he is supposed to go to the UFC fight so there is no way in heck he's going to get up early after that. I can hope though!! LOL I really wanted to go to the fight Saturday night too, but Amelia appears to be sick now, so I guess I'm staying home with her.

I'm tired...

...of being pregnant.
...of not being able to sleep all night.
...of being exhausted all day, fighting to stay awake.
...of being totally exhausted and still trying to entertain a 2 year old without plopping her in front of the TV all day.
...of the cat running around the house like spaz all night. (Even if cat's are nocturnaland should be up all night, it's still irritating.)
...of my dear sweet hubby leaving stuff out and then getting mad at me that Amelia gets into it. I'm sorry that bending down to put things away in the childproof cabinets is too much for you.
...of my feet being swollen.
...of having to go to the hospital 2x a week for NST's.
...of doing laundry. I did 4 loads yesterday.
...ofmyspacebarnotworkingthefirsttimeIpushit. I don't like having to stop after every word to hit the space bar again.
...of having hardwood floors. I thought I would love them, but I hate them.
...of living in Southern California. I love my friends, I love my hubby, and I even love our little home,(except the hardwood floors!ha) I just don't like SoCal so much. And I probably never will. And that's okay.
...of all the stuff in our house that we don't use, but we have to keep. Why do we hold onto things we don't need and will never use? I'm very quickly getting over holding onto random krap because it belonged to someone who is long gone. Do they really sit up in Heaven or wherever we go after this life, and think, "hey!! don't you dare get rid of that gold plated butter dish!!" I'd rather have room for my kids to play, and for us to find our own things we love, so we can pass them onto our children and guilt trip them into keeping them forever. HA!

I should do this kind of post in the middle of the night more often. Just a little venting about random krap that really doesn't matter and I feel so much better! :-)I just get it out of my system and I can let it go.

It's not even 5 yet, maybe I can go snuggle my hubby and get an hour of sleep before the kiddo wakes up.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Would I be a bad Mommy

If I sold my kids Halloween costume on Ebay? For the last while, she has been all about pirates. Her build a bear has a pirate costume. She asks all the time to go ride the pirate water slide at disneyland. She has minnie mouse ears that are dressed like a pirate. You get the idea. We went last night to buy her a Halloween costume, and she wanted nothing to do with the pirate. She wanted to be a pumpkin! So we bought her a pumpkin costume. It's pretty darn cute, so I'm not complaining. Anyway, where was I going with this? (Darn pregnancy brain.) Oh right! I was talking about Ebay. So I paid $20 for the costume at Gymboree. They had a few of them. Then I went on Ebay, and saw they are selling for $50. I guess they are sold out most places, so everyone is willing to go on ebay and pay a fortune. Jeff suggested I throw her costume on ebay last night, and go buy her a new one this morning. But what if they don't have her size anymore?

So, what do you think? Would I be a bad mommy to put my kid's costume on ebay? And make her wear a sack or something?

And no, I'm not really going to sell her costume after she picked it out all by herself. " No mommy, no pirate. No mommy, no witch. I can't like it. I like a pumpkin."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Welcome to the new blog

I promise to get this place set up nice with some pictures and junk, later on today.